Golf Associations at Carolina National

When you play Carolina National, you get to enjoy a beautiful 27 holes designed by 1992 Masters Champion Fred Couples. When you become a member, you also get to enjoy the competitive fun and camaraderie of dozens of member events held throughout the year. The club holds an annual Club Championship, Member-Member and Member-Guest etc., but the majority of the regular member events and activities come from the Winding River Men’s & Women’s Golf Associations. These groups are the backbone of member play at Carolina National and participation is an exclusive privilege of CNGC membership.

Events range from competitive to casual, from team shambles to interclub matches. Throughout the year at Carolina National, the men’s and women’s associations will host numerous playing and social opportunities for association members. These events often include a morning shotgun start with varied formats and an awards luncheon after the round. See below for more details on each group.

Men's Golf Association

The Winding River Men’s Golf Association at Carolina National is an fun-filled group which conducts a wide variety of events and competitions throughout the year. Regular play days are held every Monday & Friday morning with a regular game day held each Wednesday.

Special events include Opening and Closing Day event, a Four-Ball Match Play Tournament, annual Battle of the Neighborhoods and more. The Winding River MGA also participates in two local interclub leagues for additional playing opportunities. To become a member of the Men’s Association, you must be a member of Carolina National Golf Club with an established USGA Handicap for competitive events. 

For more information please contact the Carolina National golf professional staff for membership info and current MGA ambassador contacts.

Women's Golf Association

The Winding River Women’s Golf Association (WRWGA) at Carolina National features both 18-hole and 9-hole groups and plays a variety of events, games, and club tournaments throughout the season as well as local interclub events.

The ladies hold league play every Tuesday and Thursday mornings, with preferred morning tee times. In between the Opening Day event in March and Closing Day in November,  several additional events take place such as Capture The Flag and Pink Day Charity Tournament, along with Member-Member and Member-Guest Events as well. The Winding River WGA participates in the Ladybirds and Brunswick Co. Interclub leagues for additional playing opportunities in the local area. Carolina National GC membership is required to join the Women’s Golf Association. 

Click here for the WRWGA Brochure and Application.

For more information please contact the Carolina National golf professional staff for membership info and current WGA ambassador contacts. 

MGA Calendar

WGA Calendar

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